
The superconducting module provides convenient methods to simulate and optimize superconducting systems.

To run a simulation or optimization, begin by describing the system using the classes below representing the components and interactions in the system. For example to create a superconducting transmon use boulderopal.superconducting.Transmon. If any Hamiltonian term is optimizable, use a boulderopal.superconducting.OptimizableCoefficient class to describe it. Then pass the classes to either boulderopal.superconducting.simulate or boulderopal.superconducting.optimize depending on whether you want to run a simulation or an optimization.

For a quick introduction, see the Simulate and optimize dynamics with the superconducting systems module tutorial.


CavityClass that stores all the physical system data for a cavity.
CavityCavityInteractionClass that stores all the physical system data for the interaction between two cavities.
ComplexOptimizableConstantA complex-valued optimizable constant coefficient for a Hamiltonian term.
ComplexOptimizableSignalA complex-valued optimizable time-dependent piecewise-constant coefficient for a Hamiltonian term.
OptimizableCoefficientAbstract class for optimizable Hamiltonian coefficients.
RealOptimizableConstantA real-valued optimizable constant coefficient for a Hamiltonian term.
RealOptimizableSignalA real-valued optimizable time-dependent piecewise-constant coefficient for a Hamiltonian term.
TransmonClass that stores all the physical system data for a transmon.
TransmonCavityInteractionClass that stores all the physical system data for the interaction between a transmon and a cavity.
TransmonTransmonInteractionClass that stores all the physical system data for the interaction between two transmons.


optimizeFind optimal pulses or parameters for a system composed of transmons and cavities, in order to achieve a target state or implement a target operation.
simulateSimulate a system composed of transmons and cavities.

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