Noise reconstruction

The noise reconstruction module provides methods for reconstructing the power spectral densities of noise processes affecting your system. This information can be useful for designing robust controls that are durable in the presence of noise.

To reconstruct a noise channel, pass filter functions and associated infidelities to boulderopal.noise_reconstruction.reconstruct. Different reconstruction methods can be used by passing different boulderopal.noise_reconstruction.NoiseReconstructionMethod to the function.

For a quick introduction, see the Perform noise spectroscopy on arbitrary noise channels user guide. For the case of reconstructing noise in superconducting hardware, see the Performing noise spectroscopy in superconducting hardware application note.


ConvexOptimizationConfiguration for noise reconstruction with the convex optimization (CVX) method.
FilterFunctionA class to store information about the controls applied in the noise reconstruction process, in the form of filter functions.
NoiseReconstructionMethodBase class for the noise reconstruction methods.
SVDEntropyTruncationConfiguration for noise reconstruction with the singular value decomposition (SVD) method using entropy truncation.
SVDFixedLengthTruncationConfiguration for noise reconstruction with the singular value decomposition (SVD) method using fixed-length truncation.


reconstructEstimate the power spectral density (PSD) of noise processes affecting a quantum system.

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