class boulderopal.noise_reconstruction.SVDEntropyTruncation(rounding_threshold=0.5)
Configuration for noise reconstruction with the singular value decomposition (SVD) method using entropy truncation.
rounding_threshold (float , optional) – The rounding threshold of the entropy, between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Defaults to 0.5.
The singular value decomposition (SVD) method first finds a low rank approximation of the matrix of weighted filter functions F′:
F′≈UΣV,where matrices U and V satisfy that U†U=VV†=Insv×nsv, and Σ is a diagonal matrix of nsv truncated singular values, which in the entropy truncation method are determined by the entropy of the singular values E.
The entropy truncation method calculates the value 2E and rounds the value to an integer nsv. When rounding the value 2E, the floor of 2E plus the rounding threshold that you chose is taken. Therefore a small value leads to rounding down, while a large value leads to rounding up. The nsv is then used as the truncation value.
The SVD method then estimates the noise power spectral density (PSD) S as:
Sest=V†Σ−1U†I.This method calculates the uncertainties in estimation using error propagation if you provide measurement uncertainties.