
signals.cosine_pulse_pwc(duration, segment_count, amplitude, drag=None, start_time=0.0, end_time=None, flat_duration=None, segmentation=SegmentationType.UNIFORM, *, name=None)

Create a Pwc representing a cosine pulse.


  • duration (float) – The duration of the signal, TT
  • segment_count (int) – The number of segments in the PWC. Must be at least six.
  • amplitude (float or complex or Tensor) – The amplitude of the pulse, AA
  • drag (float or Tensor or None , optional) – The DRAG parameter, β\beta
  • start_time (float , optional) – The time at which the cosine pulse starts, tstartt_\mathrm{start}
  • end_time (float or None , optional) – The time at which the cosine pulse ends, tendt_\mathrm{end}. Defaults to the given duration TT
  • flat_duration (float or None , optional) – The amount of time to remain constant after the peak of the cosine, tflatt_\mathrm{flat}
  • segmentation (SegmentationType) – The type of segmentation for the signal. With a “MINIMAL” segmentation, most of the segments are placed in the non-constant parts of the signal. Defaults to “UNIFORM”, in which case the segments are uniformly distributed along the signal’s duration.
  • name (str or None , optional) – The name of the node.


The sampled cosine pulse. If no flat duration is passed then the pulse is evenly sampled between 00 and TT

Return type



boulderopal.signals.cosine_pulse : Create a Signal object representing a cosine pulse.

Graph.signals.gaussian_pulse_pwc : Create a Pwc representing a Gaussian pulse.

Graph.signals.hann_series_pwc : Create a Pwc representing a sum of Hann window functions.

Graph.signals.sech_pulse_pwc : Create a Pwc representing a hyperbolic secant pulse.

Graph.signals.sinusoid_pwc : Create a Pwc representing a sinusoidal oscillation.

Graph.signals.square_pulse_pwc : Create a Pwc representing a square pulse.

Graph.cos : Calculate the element-wise cosine of an object.


The cosine pulse is defined as

Cos(t)={0ift<tstartA2[1+cos(ωtτ)+iωβsin(ωtτ)]iftstartt<τAifτtτ+A2[1+cos(ωtτ+)+iωβsin(ωtτ+)]ifτ+<ttend0ift>tend, \mathop{\mathrm{Cos}}(t) = \begin{cases} 0 &\mathrm{if} \quad t < t_\mathrm{start} \\ \frac{A}{2} \left[1+\cos \left(\omega \\{t-\tau_-\\} \right) + i\omega\beta \sin \left(\omega \\{t-\tau_-\\}\right)\right] &\mathrm{if} \quad t_\mathrm{start} \le t < \tau_- \\ A &\mathrm{if} \quad \tau_- \le t \le \tau_+ \\ \frac{A}{2} \left[1+\cos \left(\omega\\{t-\tau_+\\}\right) + i\omega \beta\sin \left(\omega \\{t-\tau_+\\}\right)\right] &\mathrm{if} \quad \tau_+ < t \le t_\mathrm{end} \\ 0 &\mathrm{if} \quad t > t_\mathrm{end} \\ \end{cases},

where ω=2π/(tendtstarttflat)\omega=2\pi /(t_\mathrm{end}-t_\mathrm{start} - t_\mathrm{flat}), τ\tau_\mp are the start/end times of the flat segment, with τ=(tstart+tendtflat)/2\tau_\mp=(t_\mathrm{start}+t_\mathrm{end} \mp t_\mathrm{flat})/2

If the flat duration is zero (the default setting), this reduces to

Cos(t)=A2[1+cos(ωtτ)+iωβsin(ωtτ)]θ(ttstart)θ(tendt), \mathop{\mathrm{Cos}}(t) = \frac{A}{2} \left[1+\cos \left(\omega \\{t-\tau\\} \right) + i\omega\beta \sin \left(\omega \\{t-\tau\\}\right)\right] \theta(t-t_\mathrm{start}) \theta(t_\mathrm{end}-t),

where now ω=2π/(tendtstart)\omega=2\pi /(t_\mathrm{end}-t_\mathrm{start}), τ=(tstart+tend)/2\tau=(t_\mathrm{start}+t_\mathrm{end})/2 and θ(t)\theta(t)Heaviside step function.


Define a cosine PWC pulse.

>>> graph.signals.cosine_pulse_pwc(
...     duration=3.0, segment_count=100, amplitude=1.0, name="cos_pulse"
... )
<Pwc: name="cos_pulse", operation_name="pwc_signal", value_shape=(), batch_shape=()>
>>> result = bo.execute_graph(graph=graph, output_node_names="cos_pulse")
>>> result["output"]["cos_pulse"]
    'durations': array([0.03, 0.03, ..., 0.03, 0.03]),
    'values': array([2.46719817e-04, 2.21901770e-03, ..., 2.21901770e-03, 2.46719817e-04]),
    'time_dimension': 0

Define a flat-top cosine PWC pulse with a DRAG correction.

>>> graph.signals.cosine_pulse_pwc(
...     duration=3.0,
...     segment_count=100,
...     amplitude=1.0,
...     drag=0.1,
...     start_time=1.0,
...     end_time=2.0,
...     flat_duration=0.3,
...     segmentation="MINIMAL",
...     name="cos_flat",
... )
<Pwc: name="cos_flat", operation_name="pwc_signal", value_shape=(), batch_shape=()>
>>> result = bo.execute_graph(graph=graph, output_node_names="cos_flat")
>>> result["output"]["cos_flat"]
    'durations': array([1.        , 0.00729167, ..., 0.00729167, 1.        ]),
    'values': array([0.00000000e+00+0.j        , 2.67706262e-04-0.01468429j, ...,
                     2.67706262e-04+0.01468429j, 0.00000000e+00+0.j        ]),
    'time_dimension': 0

Define a cosine pulse with optimizable parameters.

>>> amplitude = graph.optimizable_scalar(
...     lower_bound=0, upper_bound=2.*np.pi, name="amplitude"
... )
>>> drag = graph.optimizable_scalar(
...     lower_bound=0, upper_bound=1., name="drag"
... )
>>> graph.signals.cosine_pulse_pwc(
...     duration=3.0,
...     segment_count=100,
...     amplitude=amplitude,
...     drag=drag,
...     name="cos_pulse",
... )
<Pwc: name="cos_pulse", operation_name="pwc_signal", value_shape=(), batch_shape=()>

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