
boulderopal.ions.ms_optimize(drives, duration, lamb_dicke_parameters, relative_detunings, target_phases, sample_count=128, robust=False, **optimization_kwargs)

Find optimal pulses to perform a target Mølmer–Sørensen-type operation on a system composed of ions.

This function builds a graph describing the Mølmer–Sørensen operation and calls boulderopal.run_optimization to minimize the target cost.

  • drives (list[OptimizableDrive]) – A list of optimizable drives addressing the ions. Each ion can only be addressed by a single drive, but there may be ions not addressed by any drive.

  • duration (float) – The duration, in seconds, of the dynamics to be optimized, \(T\). It must be greater than zero.

  • lamb_dicke_parameters (np.ndarray) – The laser-ion coupling strength, \(\{\eta_{jkl}\}\). Its shape must be (3, N, N), where the dimensions indicate, respectively, axis, collective mode, and ion.

  • relative_detunings (np.ndarray) – The difference \(\{\delta_{jk} = \nu_{jk} - \delta\}\) (in Hz) between each motional mode frequency and the laser detuning from the qubit transition frequency \(\omega_0\). Its shape must be (3, N), where the dimensions indicate, respectively, axis and collective mode.

  • target_phases (np.ndarray or None, optional) – The target total relative phases between ion pairs, \(\{\Psi_{ln}\}\), as a strictly lower triangular matrix of shape (N, N). \(\Psi_{ln}\) with \(l > n\) indicates the relative phase between ions \(l\) and \(n\), while \(\Psi_{ln} = 0\) for \(l \leq n\).

  • sample_count (int, optional) – The number of times \(T\) between 0 and duration (both included) at which the evolution is sampled. Defaults to 128.

  • robust (bool, optional) – If set to False, the cost corresponds to the infidelity at the end of the gate. If set to True, the cost is the final infidelity plus a dephasing-robust cost term. Defaults to False.

  • **optimization_kwargs – Additional parameters to pass to boulderopal.run_optimization.


The result of the run_optimization call. Its output item is a dictionary containing information about the optimized drive and the evolution of the system, with the following keys:

optimized drives

The piecewise-constant optimized drives implementing the gate. The keys are the names of the drives provided to the function.


The times at which the evolution is sampled, as an array of shape (T,).


Acquired phases \(\{\Phi_{ln}(t_i) = \phi_{ln}(t_i) + \phi_{nl}(t_i)\}\) for each sample time and for all ion pairs, as a strictly lower triangular matrix of shape (T, N, N). \(\Phi_{ln}(t_i)\) with \(l > n\) indicates the relative phase between ions \(l\) and \(n\), while \(\Phi_{ln}(t_i) = 0\) for \(l \leq n\).


Displacements \(\{\eta_{jkl}\alpha_{jkl}(t_i)\}\) for all mode-ion combinations, as an array of shape (T, 3, N, N), where the dimensions indicate, respectively, time, axis, collective mode, and ion.


A 1D array of length T with the operational infidelities of the Mølmer–Sørensen gate at each sample time, \(\mathcal{I}(t_i)\).

Return type:


See also


Class describing a piecewise-constant complex-valued optimizable drive.


Class describing a piecewise-constant real-valued optimizable drive.


Simulate a Mølmer–Sørensen-type operation on a trapped ions system.


Calculate the properties of an ion chain.


See the notes of boulderopal.ions.ms_simulate for the main equations and definitions.

You can use the robust flag to construct a Mølmer–Sørensen gate that is robust against dephasing noise. This imposes a symmetry [1] in the optimizable ion drives and aims to minimize the time-averaged positions of the phase-space trajectories,

\[\langle \alpha_{jkl} \rangle = \frac{1}{t_\text{gate}} \int_0^{t_\text{gate}} \alpha_{jkl}(t) \mathrm{d} t .\]

This is achieved by adding an additional term to the cost function, consisting of the sum of the square moduli of the time-averaged positions multiplied by the corresponding Lamb–Dicke parameters. That is to say,

\[C_\text{robust} = \mathcal{I} + \sum_{j=1}^{3} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \sum_{l=1}^{N} \left| \eta_{jkl} \langle \alpha_{jkl} \rangle \right|^2 .\]
