
boulderopal.ions.ms_simulate(drives, duration, lamb_dicke_parameters, relative_detunings, target_phases=None, sample_count=128)

Simulate a Mølmer–Sørensen-type operation on a system composed of ions.

This function builds a graph describing the Mølmer–Sørensen operation and calls boulderopal.execute_graph to simulate the ion dynamics.


  • drives (list [Drive ]) – A list of drives addressing the ions. Each ion can only be addressed by a single drive, but there may be ions not addressed by any drive.
  • duration (float) – The duration, in seconds, of the dynamics to be simulated, TT. It must be greater than zero.
  • lamb_dicke_parameters (np.ndarray) – The laser-ion coupling strength, {ηjkl}\{\eta_{jkl}\}. Its shape must be (3, N, N), where the dimensions indicate, respectively, axis, collective mode, and ion.
  • relative_detunings (np.ndarray) – The difference {δjk=νjkδ}\{\delta_{jk} = \nu_{jk} - \delta\} (in Hz) between each motional mode frequency and the laser detuning from the qubit transition frequency ω0\omega_0. Its shape must be (3, N), where the dimensions indicate, respectively, axis and collective mode.
  • target_phases (np.ndarray or None , optional) – The target total relative phases between ion pairs, {Ψln}\{\Psi_{ln}\}, as a strictly lower triangular matrix of shape (N, N). Ψln\Psi_{ln} with l>nl > n indicates the relative phase between ions ll and nn, while Ψln=0\Psi_{ln} = 0 for lnl \leq n. If not provided, the function does not return the operational infidelities.
  • sample_count (int , optional) – The number of times TT between 0 and duration (included) at which the evolution is sampled. Defaults to 128.


The result of the execute_graph call. Its output item is a dictionary containing information about the evolution of the system, with the following keys:

sample_times : The times at which the evolution is sampled, as an array of shape (T,).

phases : Acquired phases $\{\Phi_{ln}(t_i) = \phi_{ln}(t_i) + \phi_{nl}(t_i)\}$ for each sample time and for all ion pairs, as a strictly lower triangular matrix of shape (T, N, N). $\Phi_{ln}(t_i)$ with $l > n$ indicates the relative phase between ions $l$ and $n$, while $\Phi_{ln}(t_i) = 0$ for $l \leq n$.

displacements : Displacements $\{\eta_{jkl}\alpha_{jkl}(t_i)\}$ for all mode-ion combinations, as an array of shape (T, 3, N, N), where the dimensions indicate, respectively, time, axis, collective mode, and ion.

infidelities : A 1D array of length T with the operational infidelities of the Mølmer–Sørensen gate at each sample time, $\mathcal{I}(t_i)$. Only returned if target relative phases are provided.

Return type



boulderopal.ions.Drive : Class describing non-optimizable drives.

boulderopal.ions.ms_optimize : Find optimal pulses to perform Mølmer–Sørensen-type operations on trapped ions systems.

boulderopal.ions.obtain_ion_chain_properties : Calculate the properties of an ion chain.


The internal and motional Hamiltonian of NN ions is

H0=j=13k=1Nνjk(ajkajk+12)+l=1Nω02σz,l, H_0 = \sum_{j=1}^{3} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \hbar\nu_{jk} \left(a_{jk}^\dagger a_{jk} + \frac{1}{2}\right) + \sum_{l=1}^N \frac{\hbar \omega_0}{2} \sigma_{z,l} ,

where jj indicates axis dimension (xx, yy, or zz), kk indicates collective mode, ajka_{jk} is the annihilation operator, and σz,l\sigma_{z,l} is the Pauli ZZ operator for ion ll.

The interaction Hamiltonian for Mølmer–Sørensen-type operations in the rotating frame with respect to H0H_0 is

HI(t)=ij=13k=1Nl=1Nσx,l(βjkl(t)ajk+βjkl(t)ajk), H_I(t) = i\hbar \sum_{j=1}^{3} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \sum_{l=1}^N \sigma_{x,l} \left(-\beta_{jkl}^*(t)a_{jk} + \beta_{jkl}(t) a_{jk}^\dagger\right) ,

where σx,l\sigma_{x,l} is the Pauli XX operator for ion ll and

βjkl(t)=ηjklγl(t)2exp(i2πδjkt) \beta_{jkl}(t) = \eta_{jkl} \frac{\gamma_l(t)}{2} \exp(i 2 \pi \delta_{jk} t)

indicates the coupling between ion ll and motional mode (j,k)(j,k).

The corresponding unitary operation is given by 1

U(t)=exp[l=1Nσx,lBl(t)+il=1Nn=1l1(ϕln(t)+ϕnl(t))σx,lσx,n], U(t) = \exp\left[ \sum_{l=1}^N \sigma_{x,l} B_l(t) + i\sum_{l=1}^N\sum_{n=1}^{l-1} (\phi_{ln}(t) + \phi_{nl}(t)) \sigma_{x,l} \sigma_{x,n} \right] ,


Bl(t)j=13k=1N(ηjklαjkl(t)ajkηjklαjkl(t)ajk), B_l(t) \equiv \sum_{j=1}^{3} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \left(\eta_{jkl}\alpha_{jkl}(t)a_{jk}^\dagger - \eta_{jkl}^{\ast}\alpha_{jkl}^\ast(t)a_{jk} \right) , \phi_{ln}(t) \equiv \mathrm{Im} \left[ \sum_{j=1}^{3} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \int_{0}^{t} d \tau_1 \int_{0}^{\tau_1} d \tau_2 \beta_{jkl}(\tau_1)\beta_{jkn}^{\ast}(\tau_2) \right] , αjkl(t)0tdτγl(τ)2exp(i2πδjkτ). \alpha_{jkl}(t) \equiv \int_0^t d\tau \frac{\gamma_l(\tau)}{2} \exp(i 2 \pi \delta_{jk} \tau) .

The operational infidelity of the Mølmer–Sørensen gate is defined as 1:

I=1(n=1Nl=n+1Ncos(ΦlnΨln))(1j=13k=1Nl=1N[ηjklαjkl2(nˉjk+12)])2, \mathcal{I} = 1 - \left| \left( \prod_{n=1}^N \prod_{l=n+1}^N \cos ( \Phi_{ln} - \Psi_{ln}) \right) \left( 1 - \sum_{j=1}^3 \sum_{k=1}^N \sum_{l=1}^N \left[ |\eta_{jkl} \alpha_{jkl}|^2 \left(\bar{n}_{jk}+\frac{1}{2} \right) \right] \right) \right|^2 ,


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