QCTRL_DIVERGENT_COLORMAP | A divergent color map in the Q-CTRL style. |
QCTRL_SEQUENTIAL_COLORMAP | A sequential color map in the Q-CTRL style. |
QCTRL_STYLE_COLORS | A list of colors defined in the Q-CTRL style. |
confidence_ellipse_matrix | Calculate a matrix that you can use to represent the confidence region of parameters that you estimated. |
display_bloch_sphere | Display a trajectory on the Bloch sphere using state vectors as input. |
display_bloch_sphere_from_bloch_vectors | Display a Bloch sphere with an animation of the Bloch vectors. |
display_bloch_sphere_from_density_matrices | Display a trajectory in the Bloch sphere from input density matrices. |
get_qctrl_style | Return a dictionary representing the Q-CTRL styling in Matplotlib format. |
plot_confidence_ellipses | Create an array of confidence ellipse plots. |
plot_controls | Create a plot of the specified controls. |
plot_cost_histories | Create a plot of the cost against iterations for either a single cost history or a set of cost histories. |
plot_density_matrix | Create a heatmap with the absolute values of a density matrix's elements. |
plot_filter_functions | Create a plot of the specified filter functions. |
plot_population_dynamics | Create a plot of the dynamics of the specified populations. |
plot_population_distributions | Create a bar graph of the given population distributions. |
plot_bitstring_probabilities_histogram | Create a histogram of the specified counts. |
plot_sequences | Create a plot of dynamical decoupling sequences. |
plot_wigner_function | Create a contour plot of the specified Wigner function. |