DynamicDecouplingSequence.export_to_file(filename, file_format='Q-CTRL expanded', file_type='CSV', coordinates='cylindrical', maximum_rabi_rate=6.283185307179586, maximum_detuning_rate=6.283185307179586)
Prepares and saves the dynamical decoupling sequence in a file.
- filename (str) – Name and path of the file to save the control into.
- file_format (str) – Specified file format for saving the control. Defaults to
‘Q-CTRL expanded’. Currently it does not support any other format.
For detail of the Q-CTRL Expanded Format consult
. - file_type (str , optional) – One of ‘CSV’ or ‘JSON’. Defaults to ‘CSV’.
- coordinates (str , optional) – Indicates the coordinate system requested. Must be one of ‘cylindrical’ or ‘cartesian’. Defaults to ‘cylindrical’.
- maximum_rabi_rate (float , optional) – Maximum Rabi rate. Defaults to 2π.
- maximum_detuning_rate (float , optional) – Maximum detuning rate. Defaults to 2π.
ArgumentsValueError – Raised if some of the parameters are invalid.
The sequence is converted to a driven control using the maximum Rabi and detuning rate. The driven control is then exported.