
DrivenControl.export(coordinates='cylindrical', dimensionless_rabi_rate=True)

Returns a dictionary formatted for plotting using the Q-CTRL Visualizer package.


  • coordinates (string , optional) – Indicates whether the Rabi frequency should be plotted in terms of its ‘cylindrical’ or ‘cartesian’ components. Defaults to ‘cylindrical’.
  • dimensionless_rabi_rate (boolean , optional) – If True, normalizes the Rabi rate so that its largest absolute value is 1. Defaults to True.


Dictionary with plot data that can be used by the plot_controls method of the Q-CTRL Visualizer package. It has keywords ‘Rabi rate’ and ‘Detuning’ for ‘cylindrical’ coordinates and ‘X amplitude’, ‘Y amplitude’, and ‘Detuning’ for ‘cartesian’ coordinates.

Return type


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