Get background information on Boulder Opal and learn how to get started today
Adopt Boulder Opal
Discover how Boulder Opal's control design and automation software enables you to build superior quantum computers and quantum sensors
Get an overview of Boulder Opal's functionality and applications
An introduction to the capabilities and benefits of Boulder Opal
Use Boulder Opal for quantum computing
An introduction to the application of Boulder Opal for key tasks in quantum computing
Use Boulder Opal for quantum sensing
An introduction to the application of Boulder Opal for augmenting the performance of quantum sensors in real environments
Discover Boulder Opal workflows for research
Understand how and when to integrate Boulder Opal into your research: for theorists or experimentalists, new hardware, or established systems
Compare control-design (optimization) strategies in Boulder Opal
An overview of choices and tradeoffs in control design for your quantum system
Understand simulation and optimization benchmarks with Boulder Opal
Evaluating Boulder Opal performance across multiple benchmarks
How to cite Boulder Opal
Cite relevant Boulder Opal articles and specific documentation pages
Set up Boulder Opal
Find all of the resources you need to install and run Boulder Opal and immediately start solving your toughest problems
How to authenticate using an API key
Authenticate your Boulder Opal session without a browser
How to manage and monitor your calculations
Learn how to submit, cancel, and track the progress of your calculations
Understand computational resources in Boulder Opal
Understanding the Boulder Opal computing environment and utilizing the compute resources effectively
How to mute status messages during calculations
Change the verbosity of the messaging
Visualize data using the Q-CTRL Visualizer
An introduction to the purpose and functionality of the Q-CTRL Visualizer