How to cite Boulder Opal

Cite relevant Boulder Opal articles and specific documentation pages

If you find Boulder Opal useful and wish to cite it in your work please cite the following:

If you use BibTeX, you can add the following reference to your database:

  author = {Q-CTRL},
  title = {Boulder {O}pal},
  year = {2025},
  howpublished = {},
  note = {[Online]}

Citing a feature of Boulder Opal

If a specific feature of Boulder Opal has been useful in your work, please cite the relevant notebook in addition to the reference above.

For example, you can cite the Design robust, configurable, parallel gates for large trapped-ion arrays application note with the following (remember to update the date accessed):

  • Q-CTRL, Boulder Opal documentation: Designing robust, configurable, parallel gates for large trapped-ion arrays, /boulder-opal/apply/trapped-ion-quantum-computing/design-robust-configurable-parallel-gates-for-large-trapped-ion-arrays (2025), [Online; accessed 1-January-2025].

Or in BibTeX format:

  author = {Q-CTRL},
  title = {Boulder {O}pal documentation: {D}esigning robust, configurable, parallel gates for large trapped-ion arrays},
  year = {2025},
  howpublished = {/boulder-opal/apply/trapped-ion-quantum-computing/design-robust-configurable-parallel-gates-for-large-trapped-ion-arrays},
  note = {[Online; accessed 1-January-2025]}

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