How to monitor activity and retrieve results

Monitor job status and retrieve results from previously run calculations in Boulder Opal

You can use the activity monitor to view the progress of current calculations and a history of your previously run calculations. Moreover, each time you perform a calculation using Boulder Opal (for example, with boulderopal.run_optimization), it is assigned a unique action_id, which you can use to retrieve the results later.

In this user guide we demonstrate how to access the activity monitor and how to retrieve the results of past calculations.

Monitoring activity

Web app

You can access the activity monitor in the Boulder Opal web app. There you can see the status of current and past calculations, and use the interactive interface to cancel running actions.

Client package

The activity monitor can also be accessed through the client package using the function.

import boulderopal as bo
                           Activity monitor
┃   Action name    ┃ Created UTC ┃ Updated UTC ┃ Run time ┃  Status   ┃
│ run_optimization │ 2023-10-13  │ 2023-10-13  │ 00:01:21 │ Completed │
│    ID 1628439    │  04:57:42   │  04:59:03   │          │           │
│ run_optimization │ 2023-10-13  │ 2023-10-13  │ 00:01:21 │ Completed │
│    ID 1628438    │  04:57:41   │  04:59:03   │          │           │
│   execute_graph  │ 2023-10-13  │ 2023-10-13  │ 00:00:50 │ Completed │
│    ID 1628437    │  04:57:40   │  04:58:30   │          │           │
│   execute_graph  │ 2023-10-13  │ 2023-10-13  │ 00:00:50 │ Completed │
│    ID 1628436    │  04:57:39   │  04:58:30   │          │           │
│ run_optimization │ 2023-10-13  │ 2023-10-13  │ 00:00:33 │ Completed │
│    ID 1628435    │  04:57:38   │  04:58:11   │          │           │

Note that the times are displayed in UTC. By default, the function shows the most recent actions you have run (if no filtering options are provided), but it also supports pagination and filtering by status. You can learn more in the reference page.

Retrieving results

Each call to a Boulder Opal function that involves an call to the Boulder Opal API is assigned a unique action ID. These IDs are usually printed when you call the function, or you can find them in the activity monitor.

You can use with an action_id to retrieve the result of that call. You can use this in case your connection dropped during a calculation or to retrieve results you forgot to save.
{'output': {'signal': {'values': array([2., 3., 1., 4.]),
   'durations': array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]),
   'time_dimension': 0}},
 'metadata': {'action_id': '1628436'}}

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