Fire Opal via the Aqarios Luna platform

Solving real-world problems with hardware-optimized execution on the Luna platform

For businesses looking to solve real-world optimization problems across various industries, such as supply chain management, financial modeling, or power grid optimization, the integration of Fire Opal with the Luna Platform makes it easier than ever to apply quantum solutions and get meaningful results.

Luna provides a comprehensive end-to-end workflow to go from the initial use case to the quantum solution. With support for a diverse range of common modeling formats, an extensive use case library, and AI-powered recommendations on the best solution approach, the platform is applicable to a broad spectrum of industries and accessible to anyone, regardless of the level of expertise.

There are three different ways to use Fire Opal to optimize hardware execution via Luna:

  • LunaSolve provides access to Fire Opal's QAOA Solver, which makes it possible to solve optimization problems at scale accurately and effortlessly on real quantum computers. With LunaSolve, you can seamlessly transition from your problem definition to a quantum-ready format in just a few steps. Then you can run the problem with optimized hardware performance via a standard function with solver_name="QAOAQCTRL" as a parameter. Try out the tutorial to learn how to solve optimization use cases with LunaSolve and Fire Opal.
  • LunaBench is a framework designed to simplify the benchmarking of optimization problems and algorithms across quantum, hybrid, and classical scenarios, helping to identify the competitive edge provided by quantum computing. Within this framework, you gain access to LunaSolve's algorithms, including the QAOA Solver from Fire Opal introduced above.
  • LunaQ facilitates and unifies access to various quantum hardware providers, allowing you to send quantum programs to different hardware systems. You can add Fire Opal's error suppression to improve hardware performance simply by specifying provider="qctrl". See how you can achieve the best possible results from quantum hardware with LunaQ and Fire Opal.

Note that you will need to sign up for a Fire Opal account and use your Q-CTRL API key to authenticate for Fire Opal access. For more information on required inputs, you can also reference Luna's SDK documentation.

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