Supported hardware providers

Learning which hardware platforms you can use with Fire Opal's error suppression

Fire Opal's error suppression pipeline is hardware agnostic in the sense that you can submit jobs using the same interface to any supported backend, and the underlying methods are transferable to any hardware modality or architecture. Behind the scenes, the expertly tailored methods adapt to a specific backend, so you don’t have to implement any hardware-level configuration to run your algorithm on your choice device.

Today, Fire Opal can already be used to unlock maximum performance on all cloud-accessible devices on the IBM Quantum Platform. Simply use your IBM Quantum or IBM Cloud credentials with Fire Opal to apply error suppression and run workloads.

In addition, Fire Opal’s capabilities are also available natively on the IBM Quantum Platform via the Qiskit Functions Catalog, which is accessible to IBM Premium Plan customers. Qiskit Functions allow existing IBM Quantum users to run utility-scale workloads using software provided by Q-CTRL while staying entirely within the IBM ecosystem.

Q-CTRL offers two Qiskit Functions: Performance Management: Apply AI-driven error suppression to automatically reduce errors, improve scalability, and save compute time. This Qiskit Function offers the same error suppression techniques applied when you run circuits with Fire Opal’s execute and iterate functions. Optimization Solver: Solve utility-scale optimization problems accurately by submitting high-level problem definitions, requiring no quantum expertise. This Qiskit Function offers the same hardware-aware workflow as Fire Opal’s QAOA Solver.

Q-CTRL is working on expanding the list of hardware providers supported by Fire Opal and has announced new integrations with three leading hardware platforms: Rigetti, OQC, and Diraq. Soon, you will be able to leverage Fire Opal’s performance-enhancing capabilities natively integrated with these providers’ platforms and run jobs on these backends through Fire Opal. In the meantime, get started with Fire Opal on IBM Quantum backends.

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