
The Q-CTRL Experiment Scheduler is currently in alpha phase of development. Breaking changes may be introduced.

SimulationAmplitudeCalibrationBackend.pi_2_pulse_experiment(amplitude, drag, repetition_count, shot_count=None)

Run a simulation of a series of Gaussian \(\pi/2\) pulses applied to a qubit initially in state \(|0\rangle\).

  • amplitude (np.ndarray) – Value of amplitudes of the pi pulse. Must be a 1D array.

  • drag (np.ndarray) – Value of the DRAG parameter of the pi pulse. Must be a 1D array that is broadcastable with the amplitude.

  • repetition_count (int) – The number of times the \(\pi/2\) pulse is applied to the qubit in this experiment.

  • shot_count (int or None, optional) – The number of shots of each experiment. If not provided, defaults to the default number of shots of the backend.


The fraction of times the experiments measured a qubit in \(|1\rangle\) state. This is returned as a 1D array. If you passed more than one amplitude or DRAG parameter, then each element of the array corresponds to an experiment with one set of parameters.

Return type:
