Source code for qctrlopencontrols.driven_controls.driven_control

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Driven control module.
from __future__ import annotations

import csv
import json
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from ..utils import (

[docs]class DrivenControl: r""" A piecewise-constant driven control for a single qubit. Parameters ---------- durations : np.ndarray The durations :math:`\{\delta t_n\}` for each segment, in units of seconds. Every element must be positive. Represented as a 1D array of length :math:`N`, where :math:`N` is number of segments. rabi_rates : np.ndarray, optional The Rabi rates :math:`\{\Omega_n\}` for each segment, in units of radians per second. Every element must be nonnegative. Represented as a 1D array of length :math:`N`, where :math:`N` is number of segments. You can omit this field if the Rabi rate is zero on all segments. azimuthal_angles : np.ndarray, optional The azimuthal angles :math:`\{\phi_n\}` for each segment. Represented as a 1D array of length :math:`N`, where :math:`N` is number of segments. You can omit this field if the azimuthal angle is zero on all segments. detunings : np.ndarray, optional The detunings :math:`\{\Delta_n\}` for each segment, in units of radians per second. Represented as a 1D array of length :math:`N`, where :math:`N` is number of segments. You can omit this field if the detuning is zero on all segments. name : string, optional An optional string to name the control. Defaults to ``None``. Notes ----- This class represents a control for a single driven qubit with Hamiltonian: .. math:: H(t) = \frac{1}{2}\left(\Omega(t) e^{i\phi(t)} \sigma_- + \Omega(t) e^{-i\phi(t)}\sigma_+\right) + \frac{1}{2}\Delta(t)\sigma_z, where :math:`\Omega(t)` is the Rabi rate, :math:`\phi(t)` is the azimuthal angle (or drive phase), :math:`\Delta(t)` is the detuning, :math:`\sigma_\pm = (\sigma_x \mp i\sigma_y)/2`, and :math:`\sigma_k` are the Pauli matrices. The controls are piecewise-constant, meaning :math:`\Omega(t)=\Omega_n` for :math:`t_{n-1}\leq t<t_n`, where :math:`t_0=0` and :math:`t_n=t_{n-1}+\delta t_n` (and similarly for :math:`\phi(t)` and :math:`\Delta(t)`). For each segment of the control, the constant Hamiltonian effects unitary time evolution of the form: .. math:: U_n = \exp\left[-i\frac{\theta_n}{2} (\mathbf u_n\cdot\boldsymbol \sigma)\right], where :math:`\theta_n = \sqrt{\Omega_n^2+\Delta_n^2}\delta t_n`, :math:`\mathbf u_n` is the unit vector in the direction :math:`(\Omega_n\cos\phi_n, \Omega_n\sin\phi_n, \Delta_n)`, and :math:`\boldsymbol\sigma=(\sigma_x, \sigma_y, \sigma_z)`. This unitary time evolution corresponds to a rotation of the Bloch sphere of an angle :math:`\theta_n` about the axis :math:`\mathbf u_n`. """ def __init__( self, durations: np.ndarray, rabi_rates: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, azimuthal_angles: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, detunings: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): = name durations = np.asarray(durations, dtype=float) # check if all the durations are greater than zero check_arguments( all(durations > 0), "Duration of driven control segments must all be positive.", {"durations": durations}, ) # check if all non-None inputs have the same length input_lengths = { np.array(v).size for v in [rabi_rates, azimuthal_angles, detunings, durations] if v is not None } check_arguments( len(input_lengths) == 1, "If set, Rabi rates, azimuthal angles, detunings and durations " "must be of same length", { "rabi_rates": rabi_rates, "azimuthal_angles": azimuthal_angles, "detunings": detunings, "durations": durations, }, ) duration_count = len(durations) if rabi_rates is None: rabi_rates = np.zeros(duration_count) if azimuthal_angles is None: azimuthal_angles = np.zeros(duration_count) if detunings is None: detunings = np.zeros(duration_count) # for backward compatibility as these variable could be list rabi_rates = np.asarray(rabi_rates, dtype=float) azimuthal_angles = np.asarray(azimuthal_angles, dtype=float) detunings = np.asarray(detunings, dtype=float) # check if all the rabi_rates are nonnegative check_arguments( all(rabi_rates >= 0.0), "All Rabi rates must be nonnegative.", {"rabi_rates": rabi_rates}, ) self.rabi_rates = rabi_rates self.azimuthal_angles = azimuthal_angles self.detunings = detunings self.durations = durations @property def number_of_segments(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of segments. Returns ------- int The number of segments in the driven control, :math:`N`. """ return self.rabi_rates.shape[0] @property def maximum_rabi_rate(self) -> float: r""" Returns the maximum Rabi rate of the control. Returns ------- float The maximum Rabi rate of the control, :math:`\max_n \Omega_n`. """ return np.amax(self.rabi_rates) @property def maximum_detuning(self) -> float: r""" Returns the maximum detuning of the control. Returns ------- float The maximum detuning of the control, :math:`\max_n \Delta_n`. """ return np.amax(self.detunings) @property def amplitude_x(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Returns the x-amplitude. Returns ------- np.ndarray The x-amplitude of each segment, :math:`\{\Omega_n \cos \phi_n\}`. """ return self.rabi_rates * np.cos(self.azimuthal_angles) @property def amplitude_y(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Returns the y-amplitude. Returns ------- np.ndarray The y-amplitude of each segment, :math:`\{\Omega_n \sin \phi_n\}`. """ return self.rabi_rates * np.sin(self.azimuthal_angles) @property def angles(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Returns the Bloch sphere rotation angles. Returns ------- np.ndarray The total Bloch sphere rotation angles on each segment, :math:`\left\{\sqrt{\Omega_n^2+\Delta_n^2}\delta t_n\right\}`. """ amplitudes = np.sqrt( self.amplitude_x**2 + self.amplitude_y**2 + self.detunings**2 ) angles = amplitudes * self.durations return angles @property def directions(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Returns the Bloch sphere rotation directions. Returns ------- np.ndarray The Bloch sphere rotation direction on each segment, :math:`\{\mathbf v_n/\|\mathbf v_n\|\}`, where :math:`\mathbf v_n=(\Omega_n\cos\phi_n, \Omega_n\sin\phi_n, \Delta_n)`. """ amplitudes = np.sqrt( self.amplitude_x**2 + self.amplitude_y**2 + self.detunings**2 ) # Reduces tolerance of the comparison to zero in case the units chosen # make the amplitudes very small, but never allows it to be higher than the # default atol value of 1e-8 tolerance = min(1e-20 * np.max(amplitudes), 1e-8) safe_amplitudes = np.where( np.isclose(amplitudes, 0, atol=tolerance), 1.0, amplitudes ) normalized_amplitude_x = self.amplitude_x / safe_amplitudes normalized_amplitude_y = self.amplitude_y / safe_amplitudes normalized_detunings = self.detunings / safe_amplitudes directions = np.hstack( ( normalized_amplitude_x[:, np.newaxis], normalized_amplitude_y[:, np.newaxis], normalized_detunings[:, np.newaxis], ) ) return directions @property def times(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" Returns the boundary times of the control segments. Returns ------ np.ndarray The boundary times of the control segments, :math:`\{t_n\}` (starting with :math:`t_0=0`). """ return np.insert(np.cumsum(self.durations), 0, 0.0) @property def maximum_duration(self) -> float: r""" Returns the duration of the longest control segment. Returns ------- float The duration of the longest control segment, :math:`\max_n \delta t_n`. """ return np.amax(self.durations) @property def minimum_duration(self) -> float: r""" Returns the duration of the shortest control segment. Returns ------- float The duration of the shortest control segment, :math:`\min_n \delta t_n`. """ return np.amin(self.durations) @property def duration(self) -> float: r""" Returns the total duration of the control. Returns ------- float The total duration of the control, :math:`t_N=\sum_n \delta t_n`. """ return np.sum(self.durations)
[docs] def resample(self, time_step: float, name: Optional[str] = None) -> "DrivenControl": r""" Returns a new driven control obtained by resampling this control. Parameters ---------- time_step : float The time step to use for resampling, :math:`\delta t`. name : str, optional The name for the new control. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- DrivenControl A new driven control, sampled at the specified rate. The durations of the new control are all equal to :math:`\delta t`. The total duration of the new control might be slightly larger than the original duration, if the time step doesn't exactly divide the original duration. """ check_arguments( time_step > 0, "Time step must be positive.", {"time_step": time_step} ) check_arguments( time_step <= self.duration, "Time step must be less than or equal to the original duration.", {"time_step": time_step}, {"duration": self.duration}, ) count = int(np.ceil(self.duration / time_step)) durations = np.repeat(time_step, count) times = np.arange(count) * time_step indices = np.digitize(times, bins=np.cumsum(self.durations)) return DrivenControl( durations, self.rabi_rates[indices], self.azimuthal_angles[indices], self.detunings[indices], name, )
def _qctrl_expanded_export_content(self, coordinates: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Prepare the content to be saved in Q-CTRL expanded format. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str, optional Indicates the coordinate system requested. Must be 'cylindrical'or 'cartesian'. Defaults to 'cylindrical'. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the information of the control. """ control_info = { "maximum_rabi_rate": self.maximum_rabi_rate, "detuning": list(self.detunings), "duration": list(self.durations), } if is not None: control_info["name"] = if coordinates == Coordinate.CARTESIAN.value: control_info["amplitude_x"] = list( self.amplitude_x / self.maximum_rabi_rate ) control_info["amplitude_y"] = list( self.amplitude_y / self.maximum_rabi_rate ) else: control_info["rabi_rates"] = list(self.rabi_rates / self.maximum_rabi_rate) control_info["azimuthal_angles"] = list(self.azimuthal_angles) return control_info def _export_to_qctrl_expanded_format( self, filename, file_type=FileType.CSV.value, coordinates=Coordinate.CYLINDRICAL.value, ): """ Saves control in qctrl_expanded_format. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name and path of the file to save the control into. file_type : str, optional One of 'CSV' or 'JSON'. Defaults to 'CSV'. coordinates : str, optional Indicates the coordinate system requested. Must be one of 'cylindrical' or 'cartesian'. Defaults to 'cylindrical'. """ control_info = self._qctrl_expanded_export_content(coordinates=coordinates) if file_type == FileType.CSV.value: _ = control_info.pop("name") control_info["maximum_rabi_rate"] = [ self.maximum_rabi_rate ] * self.number_of_segments field_names = sorted(control_info.keys()) # note that the newline parameter here is necessary # see details at with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=field_names) writer.writeheader() for index in range(self.number_of_segments): writer.writerow( {name: control_info[name][index] for name in field_names} ) else: with open(filename, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as handle: json.dump(control_info, handle, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
[docs] def export_to_file( self, filename, file_format=FileFormat.QCTRL.value, file_type=FileType.CSV.value, coordinates=Coordinate.CYLINDRICAL.value, ): """ Prepares and saves the driven control in a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name and path of the file to save the control into. file_format : str, optional Specified file format for saving the control. Defaults to 'Q-CTRL expanded'. Currently does not support any other format. For details of the Q-CTRL expanded format, see Notes. file_type : str, optional One of 'CSV' or 'JSON'. Defaults to 'CSV'. coordinates : str, optional The coordinate system in which to save the control. Must be 'cylindrical' or 'cartesian'. Defaults to 'cylindrical'. Notes ----- The Q-CTRL expanded format is designed for direct integration of control solutions into experimental hardware. The format represents controls as vectors defined for the relevant operators sampled in time (corresponding to the segmentation of the Rabi rate, azimuthal angle, and detuning). The exact data format depends on the file type and coordinate system. In all cases, the data contain four lists of real floating point numbers. Each list has the same length, and the :math:`n`'th element of each list describes the :math:`n`'th segment of the driven control. For Cartesian coordinates, the four lists are X-amplitude, Y-amplitude, detuning, and duration. The maximum Rabi rate is also included in the data, and the X-amplitude and Y-amplitude are normalized to that maximum Rabi rate. For cylindrical coordinates, the four lists are Rabi rate, azimuthal angle, detuning, and duration. The maximum Rabi rate is also included in the data, and the Rabi rate is normalized to that maximum Rabi rate. For CSV, the data are formatted as five columns, with one row of titles, followed by :math:`N` rows of data. The first four columns contain the relevant Cartesian or cylindrical data. The fifth column contains the maximum Rabi rate, and has the same value in each row. For JSON, the data are formatted as a single object (dictionary) with four array fields, a "maximum_rabi_rate" field giving the maximum Rabi rate, and optionally a "name" field giving the `name` of the control. For example, the CSV cylindrical representation of a control with two segments would be:: rabi_rate,azimuthal_angle,detuning,duration,maximum_rabi_rate 0.8,1.57,3000000.,0.000001,10000000 1.0,3.14,-3000000.,0.000002,10000000 The JSON Cartesian representation of the same control would be:: { "name": "a custom control", "maximum_rabi_rate": 10000000, "amplitude_x": [0.0,-1.0], "amplitude_y": [0.8,0.0], "detuning": [3000000.0,-3000000.0], "duration": [0.000001,0.000002], } """ _file_types = [v.value for v in FileType] _file_formats = [v.value for v in FileFormat] _coordinate_systems = [v.value for v in Coordinate] check_arguments( file_format in _file_formats, "Requested file format is not supported. Please use " f"one of {_file_formats}", {"file_format": file_format}, ) check_arguments( file_type in _file_types, "Requested file type is not supported. Please use " f"one of {_file_types}", {"file_type": file_type}, ) check_arguments( coordinates in _coordinate_systems, "Requested coordinate type is not supported. Please use " f"one of {_coordinate_systems}", {"coordinates": coordinates}, ) if file_format == FileFormat.QCTRL.value: self._export_to_qctrl_expanded_format( filename=filename, file_type=file_type, coordinates=coordinates )
[docs] def export( self, coordinates=Coordinate.CYLINDRICAL.value, dimensionless_rabi_rate=True ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns a dictionary formatted for plotting using the Q-CTRL Visualizer package. Parameters ---------- coordinates: string, optional Indicates whether the Rabi frequency should be plotted in terms of its 'cylindrical' or 'cartesian' components. Defaults to 'cylindrical'. dimensionless_rabi_rate: boolean, optional If ``True``, normalizes the Rabi rate so that its largest absolute value is 1. Defaults to ``True``. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with plot data that can be used by the `plot_controls` method of the Q-CTRL Visualizer package. It has keywords 'Rabi rate' and 'Detuning' for 'cylindrical' coordinates and 'X amplitude', 'Y amplitude', and 'Detuning' for 'cartesian' coordinates. """ check_arguments( coordinates in [v.value for v in Coordinate], "Unsupported coordinates provided: ", {"coordinates": coordinates}, ) if dimensionless_rabi_rate: normalizer = self.maximum_rabi_rate else: normalizer = 1 plot_dictionary = {} if coordinates == Coordinate.CARTESIAN.value: plot_dictionary["X amplitude"] = { "values": self.amplitude_x / normalizer, "durations": self.durations, } plot_dictionary["Y amplitude"] = { "values": self.amplitude_y / normalizer, "durations": self.durations, } if coordinates == Coordinate.CYLINDRICAL.value: values = (self.rabi_rates / normalizer) * np.exp( 1.0j * self.azimuthal_angles ) plot_dictionary["Rabi rate"] = { "values": values, "durations": self.durations, } plot_dictionary["Detuning"] = { "values": self.detunings, "durations": self.durations, } return plot_dictionary
def __str__(self): """ Prepares a friendly string format for a Driven Control. """ driven_control = [] if is not None: driven_control.append(f"{}:") pretty_rabi_rates = ",".join( [ ( str(rabi_rate / self.maximum_rabi_rate) if self.maximum_rabi_rate != 0 else "0" ) for rabi_rate in self.rabi_rates ] ) pretty_azimuthal_angles = ",".join( [str(azimuthal_angle / np.pi) for azimuthal_angle in self.azimuthal_angles] ) pretty_detuning = ",".join( [ ( str(detuning / self.maximum_detuning) if self.maximum_detuning != 0 else "0" ) for detuning in self.detunings ] ) pretty_durations = ",".join( [str(duration / self.duration) for duration in self.durations] ) driven_control.append( f"Rabi Rates = [{pretty_rabi_rates}] × {self.maximum_rabi_rate}" ) driven_control.append(f"Azimuthal Angles = [{pretty_azimuthal_angles}] × pi") driven_control.append( f"Detunings = [{pretty_detuning}] × {self.maximum_detuning}" ) driven_control.append(f"Durations = [{pretty_durations}] × {self.duration}") driven_control_string = "\n".join(driven_control) return driven_control_string def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string representation for the object. The returned string looks like a valid Python expression that could be used to recreate the object, including default arguments. Returns ------- str String representation of the object including the values of the arguments. """ attributes = [ "rabi_rates", "azimuthal_angles", "detunings", "durations", "name", ] return create_repr_from_attributes(self, attributes)