
The Q-CTRL Experiment Scheduler is currently in alpha phase of development. Breaking changes may be introduced.

class AmplitudeCalibrationBackend

An abstract class for the backends where you can use the predefined amplitude calibration graph.

Backends are interfaces with either external hardware like IBM-Q or Rigetti, or a simulator that uses Boulder Opal. The constructor of the backend can take all the parameters that are exclusive for a certain interface. For example, an IBM-Q backend can take the user’s IBM credentials, while a simulation backend will include the Boulder Opal session and parameters like the amount of noise to be simulated.

The methods of this class contain all the operations that an amplitude calibration requires. Specifically, it needs the capability of performing three kinds of experiments:

  1. A repetition of N \(\pi\)-pulses followed by a measurement.

  2. A repetition of N \(\pi/2\)-pulses followed by a measurement.

  3. One \(\pi/2\)-pulse followed by N \(\pi\)-pulses and a measurement.

Each of these functions should take the parameters of the Gaussian pulses used (amplitude and DRAG coefficient) as well as the number of repetitions N of each experiment. The result is then returned in the form of the fraction of the results in the state \(|1\rangle\).



Run a \(\pi/2\) pulse followed by a series of \(\pi\) pulses in the backend.


Run a series of \(\pi/2\) pulses in the backend.


Run a series of \(\pi\) pulses in the backend.